All posts in Family

07 Apr

Harry Potter Studio Tour

In Family by Simon King / 07/04/2015 / 0 Comments

We recently visited the amazing Harry Potter Studio Tour, so I thought I would post a selection of the images from the trip. If you are thinking of visiting the attraction you should it is very well done and a great family experience, especially if you are fans of the films. I haven’t had much chance to get out with my Fujifilm X-E2 lately as I have been very busy with my sports work but this provided a great opportunity to get out with the camera and capture some fun images. As always the camera performed flawlessly and reminded me how much fun it is to use for this kind of photography.

I hope you enjoy these as much as we did when we were there.


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11 Jul

Postcard from Firenze

In Family,Fuji Film by Simon King / 11/07/2014 / 0 Comments

Today we spent the day in Florence (Firenze) we got there early so that we could get around the Ufizzi gallery before the rush. After that we spent the day around the Duomo hence it’s predominance in the pictures. Jude and I went up the Campanile and the Duomo around 1738 steps up and down to reach the top of both of those.

All taken with the FufjiFilm X-E2 again showing how versatile the camera is with the right lenses.

A day doesn’t do justice to this beautiful city so hopefully we will get back there soon.


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09 Jul

Postcard from Siena

In Family,Fuji Film by Simon King / 09/07/2014 / 0 Comments

Today we spent some time in Siena also in Tuscany. This was a 90 minute drive from our tower but well worth it. Siena is famous for it’s Palio race held twice a year in July and August. We didn’t get to see that as it has already taken place in July and we will have gone by the time the August one takes place. I have added that to my bucket list as I would love to photograph the race. The old gentleman in the photographs is the proprietor of a local shop, he looks asleep but I asked his permission to take the photograph and he agreed as I pressed the shutter he closed his eyes in an almost serene manner.

All taken on my FujiFilm X-E2 rapidly becoming my favourite camera!

I hope you enjoy these photographs, we are having a quiet day tomorrow but will be headed to Florence on Friday.


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08 Jul

Postcard from Volterra

In Family,Fuji Film by Simon King / 08/07/2014 / 0 Comments

We are staying in a 14th Century Medieval tower in the Tuscany village of Montecatini Val di Cecina. We ventured out to the nearest large town Volterra for an afternoon of sightseeing. I took my FujiFilm X-E2 out for the day and took the entire set of images with that. So here are a few images from the day I hope they give you a feel for this amazing part of the world.


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04 May

Weekend Break – Family and the Fuji Film X-E2

In Family,Fuji Film,Personal Projects by Simon King / 04/05/2014 / 0 Comments

I thought whilst I was away with the family on a weekend break I would take the chance to really get to know the Fuji Film X-E2 especially as it will be featuring heavily in the photo book project I am working  on (Cowboy Up). Here are a few photographs from the weekend all taken with the X-E2 and 35mm Lens. This camera is a joy to use and feels so natural in the hands it makes a change from having the big heavy DSLR and bag full of lenses.

I have used Canon DSLRs for many years now but feel that sometimes they get in the way of the photography and like a lot of photographers have been looking to find a solution to that issue. Having spent enough time with the camera in practical situations I now feel confident that I can use the Fuji X cameras in professional situations. Whilst the X-E2 is a joy to use the key aspect is the fact that the image quality of the photographs is outstanding. As long as your basic understanding of photography is sound you can quickly get to a point where you get the picture that you want using the simple controls of the camera and lens.

This set of photographs is from a family weekend away to North West Wales where we took in Llyn Brianne Reservior and Aberdyfi. Thanks to Jude, Tegan and Bentley (the dog) for their patience whilst I took these pictures. Although to be honest I feel that it took less time to get the shot with this system than my usual cameras.


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17 Feb

Holmes Family

In Family by Simon King / 17/02/2013 / 0 Comments

A great afternoon with the Holmes family, Dan, Beth and Will for a photo shoot, Charlie (mum) wanted some fun photos of them all for a canvas or print for their wall.

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